Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Keifer's Playroom

As you can see in the Christmas pictures, Keifer got a ton of toys! He loves playing with all his toys and though I was happy he was having fun I was getting tired of toys invading my living room and bedroom. We have a "formal living room" in the front of our house and in the 4.5 years that we have lived here we have never done anything with it. So I was claiming the space and setting up residence for a play room. I had it pictured in my head and it was time to make it come to life.
For Christmas I had bought Keifer a set of foam letters to put in the living room while he was playing since we have hardwood floors and I didn't want him to get hit his head and get hurt. My plan was to put them down while he was playing and pick them back up when he was done. Luckily, I didn't have to do that with a play room set aside now. I ran to Target and bought 3 more packages to lay out on the floor. While I was there I saw this inflatable ball pit and thought that would go perfect! So I left with my 3 packages and ball pit ready to come home and get to work. I was so excited that I couldn't wait until the morning to put Keifer in it. Since then he loves it and we spend hours a day in there playing and listening to his Veggie Tales CD player.

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