Monday, January 30, 2012

7 months

Well at 7 months old Keifer is officially closer to his first birthday than to the day he was born. I'm not taking it as hard as I thought I would because every stage is so much fun and I look to the next ones. Keifer is truly the biggest blessing in my life and I cherish every second of his little life and soak up all the memories.

Keifer weighs 13lbs. 12oz. and is 2 feet and 4 inches long. We just moved him into size 2 diapers a week before he turned 7 months. He is still mostly in size 0-3 months clothes and some 3 months. Keifer has his first tooth and I'm so proud of him! I didn't even know he was cutting a tooth, he didn't run fever, wasn't fussy, or any other signs. Keifer is taking 2 naps a day lasting 1.5-2 hrs for the first one and 1 hour for the second nap. He goes to bed at 7:00-7:30 and sleeps through the night until 5:00-6:00am to eat and then goes back to sleep until 8:30 or 9:00am. He is sitting up very well and army crawling all over the place. He is in a high chair at restaurants now. I would have to say Keifer's biggest accomplishment is how good of an eater he is. He has enjoyed everything I have given him and eats 3-4oz each setting. The only thing that never grew on Keifer is peaches.

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