As most of you know my due date was Sunday, May 1st. Well that day came and went, and so did the next day and the next day, and the next day. I thought he was never going to get here. I was so emotional that week and ready to meet our little boy. On Mother's Day, May 8th I woke up around 5:45am before church. I laid in bed and just prayed. I asked God if it was his will could I please start labor. I had some cramping that day but didn't want to get my hopes up. Around 8:30 that night I started having some contractions but they were all over the chart and not close together. So I went outside and started walking and walking and walking. The contractions were starting to get closer together and I was so excited I woke up Jason and said it's time! We went to the Allen Birthing Center at 2:00am. I thought we would show up and have a baby by morning. NOPE Amy Giles was the midwife on duty and she informed us that I was only dilated to a 2 and that it was just early stages of labor that could last a few more hours to a few more days. Not at all what I wanted to hear after being a week late but we came home and went to sleep. At 6:00am the morning of the 9th I woke Jason up and told him my water just broke. I thought for sure it was time and we were going. Jason called the midwife and she said until contractions are 3 minutes apart. So we waited some more, we didn't arrive to the Birthing Center until 9:00am. After a very long day Keifer decided he was ready to meet the world. At 6:02pm we had a healthy little boy weighing in at 6lbs. 1.5oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. I'm proud to say I had him all natural and was able to do a water birth just as I had hoped.
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